Igor-Alexander Ledochowski’s The Money In Your Mind is much more than a typical "abundance consciousness" course. It’s a complete learning and action system that puts you "in synch" with true wealth:
All you have to do is watch one DVD (about 60-80 minutes) a day for 15 days. You will have brand-new financial optimism in two weeks or less.
All you have to do is watch one DVD (about 60-80 minutes) a day for 15 days. You will have brand-new financial optimism in two weeks or less.
You may see results very quickly. Your confidence will improve and you will realize wealth is truly possible for you. This course is different because it’s based on real-world solutions and delivered by one of the world’s best and most knowledgeable teachers on the subject.
Igor has a long, strong track record of helping clients and students get results. That’s why The Money In Your Mind Will work for you.
Right now let me tell you, my financial problems FORCED me to find an ethical, sustainable way to get and keep more money.
If you would like more money yourself, and you’ve been frustrated or disappointed by what you’ve seen, heard, or tried so far… I have some important news for you.
Until now, I have never found a program that gives clear, straightforward information for the average person on how to become wealthy – and includes all the necessary steps.
Before I tell you about what’s in it, let me tell you how I built it. I read about 30 books on wealth and business. Took extensive notes. Sifted and sorted the information. Kept what worked and tossed the rest.
Important: I made many mistakes along the way and learned from my mistakes. Making mistakes was the only way I could have learned some of the things you will be reading about in this letter.
Please read every word of this letter very carefully. It’s important for you to understand why anyone can get rich and why so many wealth courses don’t give you the whole story.
1) Inner learning for the conscious mind 2) Inner learning for the unconscious mind 3) Outer learning: simple actions you can take that create wealth for you in the real world.
Many courses focus only on one or two sides of the Wealth Learning Triangle. That’s not enough, and that’s a major reason so many people fail financially. It’s not their fault. They simply don’t have all the information and instruction that’s required to become wealthy and stay wealthy.
I sincerely believe I have the first and only training that adequately covers all three sides of the Wealth Learning Triangle.
Igor is a British lawyer (graduate of Exeter University) who stopped practicing law in favor of pursuing a more personally meaningful career.
In his legal experience, he met many of the world’s truly rich who are "behind the scenes" from the public view. This led him to understand how "serious money" works from… Read more…
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