It’s all done through affiliate marketing… If you don’t know what affiliate marketing is, don’t worry, it’s actually very easy. Affiliate marketing is when you promote someone else’s product through a custom personalized link. That means all you have to do is get people to click on your custom link, and when they purchase, you make a commission! Now don’t worry… You don’t have to create the links yourself. An online retail outlet for over 10,000 digital products called Clickbank takes care of all that for you. They also mail you all the money you make via check every 2 weeks! Side note real quick: Out of the thousands of affiliate marketers on Clickbank, I’m one of their top 100 clients for 2009 and plan to be for many more years. =D
There’s also something called CPA advertising, which I will also teach you how to use in the members area. CPA stands for Cost Per Action, which means the person just needs to perform an action instead of purchasing and you’ll still receive a commission. For example, have you ever filled in your zip code, name, or email address online before? If you have, chances are you went through an affiliate link and that person got paid a commission. Pretty sneaky… huh???
There’s also something called CPA advertising, which I will also teach you how to use in the members area. CPA stands for Cost Per Action, which means the person just needs to perform an action instead of purchasing and you’ll still receive a commission. For example, have you ever filled in your zip code, name, or email address online before? If you have, chances are you went through an affiliate link and that person got paid a commission. Pretty sneaky… huh???
I explain this all through step-by-step videos in the members area of Cell Phone Treasure, so don’t worry if it sounds confusing to you now. I’m here to walk you through it so you can basically copy what I do… Doesn’t get easier than that!
So now that you know what affiliate marketing is, you probably realize the most important part is getting people to see your affiliate link, or nothing will happen…
Remember how I mentioned that there are currently over 4.6 billion cell phone users? Well, inside Cell Phone Treasure I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to get a big chunk of that to see your affiliate link and click on it!
KA-BOOM! The money will then instantly start to flow in un controllably… I think you get the picture now right? It’s pretty damn simple if you ask me.
Anyway, I have another video that I want you to watch on the next page where I will actually log into Cell Phone Treasure members area and show you what you’re going to get once a member! (There’s nothing to hide here!)
All you have to do is fill in your name and email at the top of this page and you’ll be instantly taken to the video. =D To your success with cell phones,
Privacy Guaranteed… Read more…
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