Maybe you’re tired of working for the man… or worn out from working so hard every week and still not having quite enough to pay all the bills each month… or hoping to earn more money so you can finally start socking away some money for retirement.
Whatever your reasons are for wanting to start a junk removal business, rest assured it’s an awesome business to get into.
Whatever your reasons are for wanting to start a junk removal business, rest assured it’s an awesome business to get into.
* You can earn $80/hour net or more and often get paid in cash and never any credit card fees to have to deal with.
And so on. Simply put, taking other people’s trash and turning it into cash is one of the best businesses out there.
The strategies that I’m going to teach you in this course are simple, they work, and they will make you a lot of money if you simply do what I tell you.
In 2006 the last thing on my mind was junk removal. I was a Realtor and making good money flipping homes for a living.
Then the market turned. I got stuck with a rehab project that killed me financially. I lost over $40K and was crushed.
Plus, I’m a high school drop out. How could I compete in the job market with a bunch of laid off people with college degrees?
Besides, I’m an entrepreneur at heart. What I lack in education I’ve always more than made up for with determination and an entrepreneurial mindset.
One day a buddy of mine who is a Realtor called and said, “Hey, I have a foreclosure listing. I know you are hurting for money, would you like to clean it out and bill me?”
There are going to be thousands of these foreclosures coming onto the market, because it’s going to be a long time before the housing market begins to recover.
I then started networking with the truck drivers for the big franchise junk removal companies and started to see how I could branch out beyond the trash outs and find other clients.
My clientele is now diverse enough that I don’t have to worry about being out of work if the real estate market takes an upward turn again.
In just a minute I’ll show you how to attract a diverse clientele as well… as well as the “secret market” most junk removal companies ignore but could bring you an avalanche of new business every week.
Now, this is the part of the sales letter where most people would include lame Photoshopped screen shots of their account balances, but I’m not going to insult your intelligence like that.
In my course I include a short video that shows you the actual checks and cash I received during a two week period, as… Read more…
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