You know how it goes. Many marketing gurus you listen to tell you that you need a website to start making money online. And there you go. You start getting your first website or blog, and you start running it.
If you are skilled (or lucky) enough, you can start generating some cashflow from your website, or stable of websites. Now while this is awesome, the problem with this kind of thinking is that you don’t have an EXIT strategy.
If you are skilled (or lucky) enough, you can start generating some cashflow from your website, or stable of websites. Now while this is awesome, the problem with this kind of thinking is that you don’t have an EXIT strategy.
This is probably the first time you are hearing about it. And if you don’t have an exit strategy for your business (yes this applies online too), well… you are going to wind up being stuck with a business you cannot sell away!
This falls into the blind sight of many marketers, and I want to unearth these cracks to you. Because there’s no easier way to get paid 10-12 times the amount of money you make in a month – IN AN INSTANT – than through site flipping!
And if you are anything like me, and you want to see fast results from your time and effort building websites, how would you like to gain the mastery of flipping virtually any website you have in your arsenal and see BIG PAYDAYS… almost everyday?
Swipe my personal strategies to cash in on big paydays by flipping any website I have at my disposal, for 10-12 times the price of my monthly income from these sites!
I don’t consider myself an ‘expert’ or highly intelligent – and this is exactly why you should listen to me: if someone like me can pull this off, I have reason to believe ANYONE else can too! (that includes YOU!)
You don’t necessarily need to have websites right now to start using this guide. I will also teach you how to build sites from scratch, in the fastest time possible, and flip these new sites for big profits.
Site Flipping Riches is broken down into 5 easy-to-follow videos, teaching you how to build and sell websites and see big paydays!
The first module reveals the necessary ground work you need to do for every website so you can make them ‘flippable’. Know your exit strategy before you even go on to construct your first website.
If the website cannot be automated, is attached to strongly to you as an individual or dependent on the owner, the website CANNOT be sold. This is a classic mistake website builders make and the first step is to avoid that first!
The fastest way to have a website for sale is to buy one. But if you want to make a profit from it you must know how to buy low before you can sell high. I reveal how I do this ‘unfair’…Read more…
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