If any of the previous statements sound like you, I understand your frustration. My name is Viktor, and I was exactly where you are today almost a decade ago. Back then, I spent countless hours searching for wholesale handbag suppliers online and kept coming up empty-handed. It was frustrating, because I knew these suppliers existed: I saw people selling this merchandise on eBay and other websites, but I couldn’t figure out where they were getting it from. No one wanted to talk. When it came to the point where I thought I had found a reputable supplier—a company based right in Italy, no less—I purchased $1,000 worth of Prada handbags from them, and they all turned out to be fake.
Believe me, finding these suppliers was not easy. They’re not easily found online, and some of the better ones don’t even have websites (yes, I know it’s 2012—it’s just how the business works). The people in this business who have access to these suppliers keep this information closely-guarded. No one wants to talk or give away their sources.
Believe me, finding these suppliers was not easy. They’re not easily found online, and some of the better ones don’t even have websites (yes, I know it’s 2012—it’s just how the business works). The people in this business who have access to these suppliers keep this information closely-guarded. No one wants to talk or give away their sources.
There are dozens of illegitimate companies that claim to wholesale authentic designer handbags but instead sell extremely high-quality knockoffs from China.
9 out of 10 wholesale suppliers selling "Authentic" designer merchandise are selling FAKES.
Most wholesale suppliers selling "so-called" authentic designer handbags, designer clothing, etc. are selling fakes. They’re selling what’s called ’7 Star Replicas’. And these aren’t just any replicas. They’re top-of-the-line knockoffs made in China—designer handbags that look so much like the real thing, most people can’t tell the difference. These bags comes with authenticity cards, dust covers, and even serial numbers, but they aren’t real. And get this: I’ve even taken some of these replicas to a major department store here in the United States and been told by their sales person that they were real! That’s how good they are. Granted, they didn’t fool every sales person; but they did fool some. 7 Star Replicas are a HUGE business in China; they… Read more…
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