If you’re anything like me, sometimes the only way something really can “click” is when you actually see it done with your own eyes.
Of course tying your shoe laces is natural to you now… BUT initially someone had to show you how to do it a few times. They took the time to demonstrate exactly how to make a loop, how to cross it over, and how to pull the knot tight, etc.
Of course tying your shoe laces is natural to you now… BUT initially someone had to show you how to do it a few times. They took the time to demonstrate exactly how to make a loop, how to cross it over, and how to pull the knot tight, etc.
Seriously, try explaining how to tie your shoe laces together to someone without actually showing them would be downright impossible (and extremely frustrating for both of you)!
Surprisingly enough, setting up a PrestaShop online store can be almost as easy if you have someone (who’s been there and actually done it successfully) take you through the entire step-by-step process right in front of your eyes.
“I am currently setting up my first e-commerce store and I have found PrestaShop 1.4 Tutorials to be invaluable. The Tutorials take you step by step through a logical process to set up your store. Some areas are very straight forward, others are more complex but the Tutorials explain them all clearly and concisely using easy to understand language without the technical jargon. I would highly recommend PrestaShop 1.4 Tutorials to anyone who is using PrestaShop for the first time or if you want to improve your knowledge of this shopping cart system.”
If you’re struggling to setup your online store using PrestaShop… don’t blame yourself. We all learn differently. You probably just need to follow a few key steps and that’s where I can help you. You see, I understand the difficulty involved in getting it setup as it wasn’t too long ago I was saying to myself “If someone would just show me how to do all this once or twice, then I could do it myself.”
Imagine how much faster of a jumpstart you could get by actually watching someone else do something first… and then simply copying what they do?
Truth is… its tough learning from overly detailed and, at times, confusing documents. Statistics prove only a tiny percentage of people naturally learn this way. The rest of us need to be SHOWN what to do and — most importantly — HOW to do it!
It’s not enough for us to tell you what to do to get setup with your store — because you’ll actually be shown using video and sound through the new “PrestaShop 1.4 Video Tutorials”
Professionally created, these jam-packed online VIDEOS go way beyond wading through heavy online documentation, incomplete and disorganized YouTube video tips, forum conversations, or anything else before it!
Now you can watch right on… Read more…
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