"In Only 3½ Minutes, You Can Quickly And Easily Crank Out A Killer Cover Letter That Is Guaranteed To Have Your Phone Ringing Off The Hook With Hot Job Interviews And Top Job Offers… Just Fill-In-The-Blanks!"
Just Click A Button, Copy ‘n’ Paste, Fill-In-The-Blanks And Voila… Out Pops A Brilliantly-Worded And Perfectly-Crafted Cover Letter 100% Customized For You!
Just Click A Button, Copy ‘n’ Paste, Fill-In-The-Blanks And Voila… Out Pops A Brilliantly-Worded And Perfectly-Crafted Cover Letter 100% Customized For You!
Most job seekers don’t have a clue about getting their "foot in the door" for a job opening… not a clue.
Forget about job offers… many people see months fly by without landing ONE decent job INTERVIEW.
It’s no secret we’re living in some of the most stressful and difficult times in years — and today’s job market is a killer.
… I’ll show you how to flood your calendar with more hot job interview requests and top job offers this month than most of your competition will land all year. It’s so easy when you discover the KEY secrets 99.9% of job-seekers will never know…
3 Little-Known Job Search Secrets That Will Continue To Keep Your Competition "Stuck In The Mud" For Years To Come…
1. Nothing happens — and I mean NOTHING HAPPENS! — until your phone rings for the job interview. Landing that first job interview… getting your "foot in the door" is ALL that matters! This is where ALL of your focus needs to be. (Read that again).
3. Cover Letter Magic: A simple, carefully written cover letter sprinkled with a few proven, magical marketing ingredients can fill your calendar with quality job interviews, faster and easier than you’d ever imagine.
Why? Because A Truly Amazing Cover Letter Is Not A Cover Letter At All… It’s A SALES Letter!
Your cover letter is the ONLY chance you have to "sell" yourself for the opportunity to be interviewed for the job. Resumes DO NOT sell. They’re not built to sell. And most of the time, unless your resume is outstanding, it can actually end up hurting your job search! (I’ll bet you never heard that before.) A brilliantly worded cover letter is the ULTIMATE sales letter and practically no one understands this fact. Most cover letters do nothing to land the job interview.
The vast majority of your competition simply "throws" together any old cover letter, just so they have something to attach to their average resume.
You are knee deep in your job search. You’re stressed out and money is tight… You wanted some help finding a new job, so you decided to invest in a professionally written resume. You called the big Resume Writing Service you read about and plunked down a significant sum of cash to have a professional write your resume. Suddenly you’re excited! You think to yourself, "This ought to do the trick!"
You daydream about… Read more…
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