I could spend a lot of time explaining to you all the reasons of why you should build a hollow board but since you ended up on my page for instructions on how to make a surfboard it is clear you already want to experience the amazing feeling that only true surfers get - being able to make a beginner surfboard and ride it.
I have revised my best selling information on how to make a surfboard and now have it available for instant download in PDF form that you can print within minutes of your purchase. Building a surfboard should be a fun process and having clear instructions and lots of color pictures takes out all the guess work. Over 1500 customers have bought my plans and given me positive feedback and recommendations. I have answered many emails and requests through the years and incorporated that information into this revised version of information for making a longboard. You get the benefit of updates from all those that purchased the plans and let me know what would help them get their board out of the garage and into the water quicker, easier, cheaper, and with longer lasting results.
I have revised my best selling information on how to make a surfboard and now have it available for instant download in PDF form that you can print within minutes of your purchase. Building a surfboard should be a fun process and having clear instructions and lots of color pictures takes out all the guess work. Over 1500 customers have bought my plans and given me positive feedback and recommendations. I have answered many emails and requests through the years and incorporated that information into this revised version of information for making a longboard. You get the benefit of updates from all those that purchased the plans and let me know what would help them get their board out of the garage and into the water quicker, easier, cheaper, and with longer lasting results.
Section 1: Getting Started -A basic overview of the hollow surfboard you will build. A general description of the hollow wood surfboard rocker, spar, rib, and rail. This board is for the starter builder and will teach you the basic design and structure of the surfboard so that you can progress onto harder and more detailed projects without getting bogged down. Section 2: The Backbone – A guide of how to make the main spar of the surfboard. This will be the main backbone of the hollow design and is the fish and bones method of building the craft. A full spar pattern is on the full size surfboard blueprints included that show the rocker and shape and give clear instructions on how to cut and assemble. Section 3: The Ribs – The surfboard has ribs that are attached to the center spar. The design is just like the wing of an aircraft wing and provides for an amazing amount of strength for a hollow design. Each spar can be easily cut using the full size templates and rib templates. Section 4: Rails – The are described and description of how to cut, glue, and attach each rail to the ribs are clearly described with pictures and diagram. The rails are cut to give the rocker shape and then bent during laminating process to fit the ribs on the board. A simple description of a jig to assemble both rails at the same time will save a lot of time and frustrations. Some other plans give you only one rib pattern to follow but with these templates you can leave out the guesswork. Section 5: Building the Skeleton – This is where the hollow wooden… Read more…
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