Hormone-pumped meat from cows, pigs, or chickens and antibiotic-laced dairy from commercial cattle? Conventionally grown and chemically sprayed fruits and vegetables. Package foods and desserts that are loaded with hidden sugars and articial ingredients? Whole grains that are said to be healthy but are actually packed with allergenic ingredients like gluten, which has been linked to countless health problems including auto-immune disorders?
Medicines like Advil, Aspirin, or Tylenol? Plastics and food containers? Cleaning and laundry supplies? Make-up and personal care products?
Medicines like Advil, Aspirin, or Tylenol? Plastics and food containers? Cleaning and laundry supplies? Make-up and personal care products?
The reason I ask is because all of these foods and household products are jam-packed with chemicals and deadly toxins that have no business being inside your body.
If YOU feel more tired and worse today than you did a few years ago…OR notice that your body is being held prisoner by digestive problems, excess weight, candida, leaky gut, constipation, IBS, allergies, out-of-control blood lipids, or up and down blood sugar levels…
These toxins are making you age faster… they are tearing your body apart from the inside-out… they are forcing your body to cling on to unncessary fat… and most importantly, these "invisible" toxins are slowly but surely shortening your life span and robbing you of the quality of life you have left.
And if you care about reversing this damage, then this is the most important message you will ever read.
Hold on to your seat because what I’m about to share with you will shock you. And if you’re at all concerned about you and your family’s health, then this will probably even make you mad. But you need to know the TRUTH and I’m here to give it to you.
I’m also going to show you what you can do right now to avoid a health crisis because in case you didn’t know…the world in which we live today is very very different than it was 50 years ago – and it’s endangering your body and health every single day.
A 1998 study by the Environmental Working Group looked at 13 organophosphates, which are derivatives of nerve gases developed by Nazi Germany. These pesticides have been used widely for 40 years against scores of agricultural pests.
The study investigated these pesticide levels across 82,000 samples of fruits and vegetables and cross-referenced them with children’s eating patterns between 1991 to 1996.
Their findings were shocking… showing that an estimated 1.1 million children under the age of five each day were eating food that contains an unsafe dose of one or more pesticides. Of these children, 106,600 exceeded the FDA’s safe daily dosage level by 10 times or more!
And findings from a 2002 study in the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment revealed that compared to drinking water and… Read more…
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