I am enjoying this course so far. I have noticed improvement in my singing since the first lesson…just a lot I needed to learn and you guys are helping. Thank you so much! Rachel C.
Singing the hymns in church Sunday…headed up for that high E2…it went up like an arpeggio…I remembered to smile and find that resonance spot in my head and hit it soundly! Before, I kept trying to force that out of my throat. I surprised my kids so much. They all stared and said, "Mom, we’ve never heard you sing that high before!" They really did! It was great. Thanks. Melanie K.
Singing the hymns in church Sunday…headed up for that high E2…it went up like an arpeggio…I remembered to smile and find that resonance spot in my head and hit it soundly! Before, I kept trying to force that out of my throat. I surprised my kids so much. They all stared and said, "Mom, we’ve never heard you sing that high before!" They really did! It was great. Thanks. Melanie K.
This training session provided me with valuable information … I liked the diagrams and exercises! I like everything about it…Keep up the good work! frozen_tearz
I went through the lessons quickly the first time (about a week ago). Now I am going through them slowly repeating them every few days. I can already tell a difference in my breath control. I can also hit those high notes more easily…..In the past I have always shyed away from soprano parts because I thought my range limit was B (middle of staff). Now I feel comfortable at a C or D. Soon I may extend my range to an E! lin3330
I like that you feel like you have a coach with you at all times! Yolanda B.
I like the practicality of the exercises given. It offered a good balance of theoretical knowledge with practical exercises, which I find is very important. I also like the fact that it offers different difficulty levels so you can advance. Tiffany
I purchased Singing Is Easy earlier this year and am only on Lesson 5, but I already notice a difference! ScooterB
I’ve enjoyed it all…learning how to sing properly is something I want to be able to do, and this is helping me. Ben
Lesson #4 was the most strenuous voice exercise I’ve ever done and I enjoyed it very much. Jeanie
Your customer service is "off the planet"! Just wonderful! You did answer my questions quite thoroughly. dag
Yvonne DeBandi, NATS Member and magna-cum laude graduate of the reknowned Florida State University School of Music has been educating singers and musicians since 1989. As creator of the Sing Smart, Not Hard™ vocal training method and co-founder of The A2Z Educational Network, her primary focus has been on providing vocal education to the masses through the development of unique and innovative vocal education tools, as well as networking and working closely with many other vocal educators. In 2000 she began training singers around the world using online training curriculums and distance training programs with great success and is known as a true pioneer in the vocal… Read more…
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