Either a) – you "sell your time for money" which means you work, get paid… and then have to go back to work again (until you are old and tired – because as soon as you stop working, you stop getting paid.)
Or b) – you leverage revenue-generating assets which create continued or repeated income. (aka. "Do the work once and keep on getting paid").
Or b) – you leverage revenue-generating assets which create continued or repeated income. (aka. "Do the work once and keep on getting paid").
FACT: It’s well known that the truly wealthy and successful didn’t get there by doing jobs that pay by the hour. They get there by creating systems that generate profit by providing usefulness or other forms of value – and then they automate or outsource the running of those systems to people who need jobs.
Well designed and properly executed passive revenue systems can often be surprisingly simple – and can free their owners to go and do other things while the business makes money for them; whereas the people that do the jobs – even the better jobs – are typically the people who haven’t developed the assets, specific knowledge or skill set to make money "work for them"… and so they have to work for it.
To the person "chained" to doing a job until they are 65, it seems like the world is unfair. (Well, it is unfair, actually!) But the reality is that it doesn’t have to be: It’s simply that no-one taught you how passive revenue really works and how you go about getting it…
Right now, as you are reading this, there are a surprising number of people, from many different walks of life who have figured out how to generate automated revenue – both internet-based and "offline".
At the top end of the scale there are the famous entrepreneurs – such as the owner of pof.com, who is known to work maybe 1 hour or less a day, from his computer and spends most of his time relaxing with his pretty girlfriend… while his wildly popular web site banks $10 million a year round the clock…
These figures are atypical – but they are not made up. What’s not quite so well known is that there are very many others – who aren’t famous – but who are quietly, almost secretly… making money on auto pilot.
It’s important to remember that you won’t get rich unless you do or create something fantastic for others… but it’s essential to know that you definitely won’t get rich slaving away to make someone else rich – because when you are working for an employer, they own all of the pie.
The kind of work that produces continuous, repeated or automated revenue is strategically different from the kind of work that stops paying you the moment you stop working. It is a different concept and has a different set of rules and governing principles. This is important. To make money while you sleep, you need to do the right kind of work… Read more…
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