Or, if you want to skip all that crap, and save yourself some time (and lots of money) by learning from my experience as a successful leads broker, then listen up!
My name is James, I’ve been doing this gig for a good 5 years now, successfully. And believe me, there have been some bumps and bruises along the way.
My name is James, I’ve been doing this gig for a good 5 years now, successfully. And believe me, there have been some bumps and bruises along the way.
I’m not here to deal with the get-rich-overnight crowd, the dreamers, the serial product buyers, the paralysis-of-analysis types, or anyone who otherwise isn’t going to ACT on the information I’m providing.
I spent the better part of those 5 years learning exactly what I’m going to teach you in this guide. I’m talking about the nitty gritty stuff. The stuff that REALLY matters.
I took my knowledge of internet marketing, CPA marketing, affiliate marketing, and combined it all into one power packing system that allowed me to sell leads to local businesses for many times what I would have been paid online. I’m talking about $25-$95 per LEAD (NOT per SALE).
Do the math on that real quick. At $25 a lead, you’re talking about a measly 100 leads per month to reach an income level that MOST people could afford to quit their day jobs on. And 100 leads is NOT hard to do.
You’re not trying to sell people anything, you’re just asking them to sign up on a website.
Well, take a step back and ask yourself this question: If I were a business owner and someone approached me with the ability to cherry pick names out of a hat and turn them into clients without having to do any of the foot work, wouldn’t I be a FOOL not to take them up on it?
Although I admit, this is the hardest part about this way of earning money, it’s really not difficult to do at all.
Relax, buddy.. I show you precisely how I use, what I call an Authority Niche Site, to capture dozens of leads on autopilot…
And before you ask, I also show you how to track, deliver, invoice, and get paid for all of that too!
It’s a lot of stuff, I won’t lie. It took me a long time to compile all of this stuff and it’s all stuff I use in my daily business.
Well, remember above when I said I’d give it to you straight? Here it is. No hard selling here.. The guide is $37 bucks and it’s worth every shiny red cent.
Remember how I told you I was selling leads between $25 – $90 EACH? Yeah… $37 doesn’t seem like that much money now, does it.
Time to separate the “SAYers” from the “DOers”. Click below and get started on your future! You won’t… Read more…
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