The ex.4 file should be put in the folder called "expert" in the directory where you have your Metatrader installed. For example, I installed Metatrader in the directory C:/Program Files/Go Tarder MT4. Then, I should put SteadyWinnerV5.0-forSmallAccounts.ex4 in C:/Program Files/Go Trader MT4/ experts/ . If you don’t understand, read the manual. There is Version 5.0 full version (with money management) available, but you have to read through the end of this page to learn how to get it.
If you are a newbie and do not know what an EA (Expert Advisor for Metatrader) is, please learn from this link . If you do not know what forex is about, you can learn from this link, and you will be able to use my EA.
If you are a newbie and do not know what an EA (Expert Advisor for Metatrader) is, please learn from this link . If you do not know what forex is about, you can learn from this link, and you will be able to use my EA.
Now, let me introduce myself. I am not a scammer, nor a professional EA seller. I am a trader like you. I love using EAs and have some experience on it. SteadyWinner is the result of my learning of MQL for many years. I am using the EA on my live account myself, and it generates steady profit. Here below, I will tell you how it works.
1. Follow the trend. There are many indicators helping traders to find out the trend. The indicators I use is just some Expotential MAs on different timeframes. The method is very simple, but surprisingly effective.
2. Enter buy or sell when there is a good position. A good position to buy is when the trend is going up and we buy at a dip. And we do the opposite to make a sell entry. A good positon is sometimes more important than whether we are with the trend or not.
3. Exit when there is a good position. There is a fixed take profit and a stoploss for each order. However, an internal takeprofit and an internal stoploss are put in the code. The EA will try to find a better position to exit when the market situation is not favourable. This help to reduce losses and drawdown.
To my surprise, SteadyWinner, which only based on some simple and traditional indicators, performs even better than many commercial EAs I have tested. Don’t believe? Here below are some backtest results. In V5.0, we do the 99% tick data backtests, which are a bit different from standard 90% backtest provided by Metatrader. Please download our manual to read the detail.
SteadyWinner Version 5.0 Full Version 99% backtest 01 Apr 2007 – 31 Dec 2007 (risk=2%) Click here to see full report
SteadyWinner Version 5.0 Full Version 99% backtest 01 Jan 2008 – 31 Dec 2008 (risk=2%) Click here to see full report
SteadyWinner Version 5.0 Full… Read more…
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