Dear Friend, After more than 25 years in the ophthalmology business I ironically had to lose an eye to be able to see the obvious… I was NOT really helping people, but rather just covering up the deeper problem. One day I discovered the work of Dr. W.H. Bates and it profoundly changed my life and my practice as an optical doctor. It shooked me to the core when I realized:
How glasses and contacts are practically guaranteed to ruin your vision over time… (and a little known way to prove it for yourself!)
How glasses and contacts are practically guaranteed to ruin your vision over time… (and a little known way to prove it for yourself!)
The obvious and overlooked reason why optometrists and doctors are so misinformed and skeptical to Dr. Bates natural vision improvement… (No, it’s NOT a big conspiracy of self-interest and profit like many people seem to think!)
Dr. W.H. Bates hidden-in-plain-view secret that speeds up recovery with more than 400% and massively improves Myopia (near-sightedness), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight), macular degeneration, eyestrain, Glaucoma and more within mere weeks of starting the program…
"Hello… Thanks for your fast reply and advice… I have started the program around a month ago and went to do an eye test just this morning. My optician really couldn’t believe it! He was so surprised with my improvement that he said that he never saw anything like it. (Not without surgery at least!) I gave him your website address and he said that he is going to check it out and try it himself. Thank you for making this available to us!"
Research Has Proven That Wearing Glasses And Contacts Will Destroy Your Vision Over Time…
If Glasses and Contacts Harms Vision and Surgery Is Too Risky, Then How Can I Improve My Eyesight?
15-minutes-a-day action plan to literally FORCE your entire visual system to work as a cohesive unit to self-correct and promote crystal clear sight and naturally regain perfect 20/20 vision in 1 – 3 months!
The grave mental danger posed by "authoritarian" doctors and optometrists, and a simple 3-second "trick" to brush off their sticky negative influence in a heartbeat… (hint: you want placebo to work in YOUR favor, and not the other way around!)
The proper way to use glasses and contacts without ruining your progress towards the natural state of vision without glasses…
A deadly diagnostic mistake made by most doctors and optometrists concerning the difference between strained and stressed eyesight… and how to correct both ailments from the comfort of your own home!
Fool-proof 60-second relief from headaches and eye strain without drugs, pills, or other harmful chemicals…
The natural confidence enjoyed by people with perfect vision PLUS the knowingness that you’ve mastered something most people would consider "a miracle"…(a young patient jokingly compared it to Clark Kent versus Superman…)
"I thought I would live the rest of… Read more…
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