Check Out The Rest Of The FREE Videos On This Page As A Preview Of The Level Of Content You Get With SWTOR Savior!
Let’s get you all set up with the easiest Interface settings which can make the difference in a heated battle!
Let’s get you all set up with the easiest Interface settings which can make the difference in a heated battle!
Multiple routes available ranging from SUPER FAST leveling to EXTENSIVE leveling if you want to see everything the game has to offer!
Once you have leveled one toon to level 50 the game has only just begun and we will make your family tree one of the strongest in the galaxy!
SWTOR Savior is now completely updated for the 1.5 patch! This patch is the BIGGEST yet and features many changes!
Featuring a full quest line, Explosive Conflict Nightmare mode guides, new Section X Daily guides and more…
The 1.5 patch features some new daily missions known as Section X that expand on the Dread Masters story line and we give you a guide for ALL of them…
SWTOR is going free to play and whether you are just joining as a young Padawan or are a General of the galaxy we give you a guide to what you need to know!
We give you a guide to Cartel coins, how to get them, how much they cost and more importantly what you should buy with them!
Get Access today and view our updated guide for builds and rotations for 1.5 to match ANY playstyle…
SWTOR Savior has been updated for the new "Relics of the Gree" event with guides, walkthroughs and tips to make sure you get the best rewards in game first!
We show you how to make the most out of the new "Galactic Reputation" system and workyour way up from "Outsider" to "Legend" fast…
The 1.7 updates brings with it a new Cartel pack – this one is called the "Space Pirate Pack" and we give our review as well as advise on how to get this fast and whether or not you need it…
We also run through the updates to the Cartel Market and what we consider the best items you need….
We give you a complete set of builds for leveling (PVE), PVP and also different styles of play such as tanking, support, DPS etc… and full rotations and stat priorities to use.
You can now get reputation trophies through the daily space missions – we show you how to get them fast!
Complete Written And Video Guides To ALL Gathering And Crafting Professions Inside The SWTOR Savior Members Area!
Your SWTOR guide was not my first choice – I tried 2 other sites **** and ************ before your site.
I purchased your guide as I received early access and wanted to make the most of my time in game before the launch.
Really pleased (and relived) so thought I would send you a quick email to say… Read more…
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