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How to start your own Foreclosure Cleanup & Property Preservation Business in 7 days or less for under $500…
How to start your own Foreclosure Cleanup & Property Preservation Business in 7 days or less for under $500…
How you can turn just a handful of Foreclosure Cleanout jobs into a real, 5-figure-a-month Cleanup Business that continues to grow – all by itself – month after month…
How it’s possible to make a profit in 3 different ways from the same foreclosed property and have the banks thank you for it…
How to provide superior trashout and preservation services so that you dominate the competition even IF YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT CLEANING OR MAINTENANCE or running a business …
How to get customers to chase you and fill up your service schedule (and your bank account) all week long …
How to market your services to the right contacts (we give you the contact information!) and much, much more!
Someone Needs to Junk Out, Clean Out, and Fix Up These Foreclosed Houses Before They Can Be Put Back On the Market
You see, these properties are almost always full of junk, trashed, filthy, in need of repairs and landscaping work.
Take a look at some of these pictures of foreclosed houses before we got our hands on trashing out these properties…
And believe, me, Banks are more than willing and happy to pay the average foreclosure cleanup & property preservation bill.
2. Recently passed bylaws allow cities to fine banks $1000 PER DAY, PER HOUSE for unkempt foreclosed houses – run-down houses severely affect neighborhoods, encouraging theft and vandalism while driving down overall housing prices even further. Banks would much rather pay YOU once to clean up the property rather than pay fines for each day that passes by.
And most of all, once you get your business set up and become your own boss, you don’t need to worry about this economy any longer!
This is an actual estimate for a cleanup job that we bid on and won; learn how we did it and how you can copy this strategy to start winning cleanup and preservation jobs of your own! Step-by-step instructions, detailed pricing & photos included.
Excel spreadsheets make it easy and fast to calculate both trashout and preservation bids. We also include a Winterization Checklist as an added bonus.
"Day 2", "Day 3" and "Day 4" supporting documents contain all the important forms you need to get you up and running right away, including:
All government forms and/or links to forms you’ll need to start up your business (Tax forms, start-up forms, etc.)
Our customers love the fact that The Foreclosure Cleanup Cash Program is an "E-program", meaning you will have immediate access to the… Read more…
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